What do I "do" all day?. The good thing is that this questions has never bother me... But here is a taste.
*Wake up call 720am
*Get 3 kiddos ready for school and make lunches.
*Do a last minute change in clothes
(because I don't their teachers to think that we are homeless)!.
*DRIVE TO SCHOOL! ( sometimes we take turns)
*Drop off the twins at Pre K
*Go to the YMCA ...
*Pick up preschoolers
*Feed the twins their Lunch
*Feed the baby and put her down for a nap.
*Take one of the twins (Dominic) to the bus stop to his special-ed preschool.
*Play with Olivia ( or read)
*Finish the laundry, dishes or try to find were that freakin smell is coming from (the garbage can)
*OH CRAP!!!!!
*It's 1:30!
*Make dinner!!!!!! think! think! not time! just put some meat in the crock pot and call it good.
**Double CRAP!
*it's 245 and...
****I gotta get ready for work and...
*Pick up Sofia from school..
*arrive at school at 3:05 ...
*Drive like crazy to get home ...
*Meet with Carrie ( my bestie babysitter)
Leave for work...
arrive @ 4pm
and for the first time all day I get to sit down in a chair that is not behind a wheel..
work, meet with patients, and...work, work, ...love using the other side of my Brain!
Get home 820ish...
plan to do it all over again...
NO COMPLAINTS! I love my life and I love all the good things god has blessed me with.
Like they say in the south..... "my doggs are barkin"! ( aka my feet hurt) so, it's time for bed
and I am really lucky.......................................
I just might get a 2am date with my favorite VicTORIa in the whole world.
Pick her up and hold her tight. Feed her and while I have her in my arms, close my eyes and smell the top of her little head. Give her lots of kisses and snuggle her back in bed.
Life is GOOD.